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The necessity of proper anchoring and bracing

Braces on a double leg unit

The necessity of proper anchoring and bracing

While buildings like steel barns and other similar constructions seem to be wear and tear proof, no construction can sustain the damage of adverse natural calamities such as earthquakes if they are not anchored firmly to the ground. Cripple walls or weak foundations can give way anytime during the slightest disturbance and the entire building can collapse. Such accidents can not only damage personal property such as cars, furniture, but can also leave people homeless and fatally injured. Proper anchoring and bracing of wall and floors of a foundation is the first step towards making sure that a construction can endure any amount of force and vibrations. This is why, it is always wise to keep extra anchoring and bracing kits in stock at home so that one can take necessary safety measures if and when needed without anybody else’s help. Head over to to buy some of the latest technologies in anchoring and bracing available in the market for your carport/metal building. After all, it is your property and you need to do everything possible to keep your family and property safe from harm.

Anchoring by bolting

It does not matter if your house is built on hardwood or concrete floors. Bolting of the foundation is the basic step towards providing a full-proof anchoring to your house. Selection of what kind of bolt you would rather go for is crucial, since they will serve as the only connection between the foundation of your home and the soil underneath. If the bolts are not properly installed into the floor, or are too small to provide ample anchoring, the entire foundation can get uprooted and off balance when something like an earthquake hits. Some of the preferred bolts for earthquake retrofitting are –

  • Expansion bolts: These are best used for newly laid foundations, which do not crack on impact. These are least expensive in the league of mechanical bolts that are used for anchoring.

  • Epoxy bolts: These are longer and more efficiently working bolts in case of earthquakes. These work perfectly well for older foundations, which have become older and brittle over long period of time. They do not get easily pulled up from the impact of an earthquake, which is how houses get uprooted in the first place.

Cripple wall bracing

Almost every house if built on walls with wooden framing. The wooden framing may be of a thicker or thinner width covering the foundation from ceiling to the floor. These cripple walls are the first to break down and shatter during an earthquake if it is not properly braced. Bracing requires these walls to be fitted to sturdy plywood structures that transform a brittle wall into a shear wall instead. Shear walls are nothing but stiffened brittle walls that can withstand seismic action for large periods of time and keeps the foundation of the house firmly rooted onto the ground. While architects advise against bracing each and every wall of the house, for that is an unnecessary waste of money and energy, bracing some of the important sections like side walls and back and front walls are essential to provide maximum support to the foundation and prevent it from getting damaged during earthquakes.

It is advice that you take care of you carport, garage, rv cover, barn, etc. as good as you take care of your home. Purchase the proper anchor/bracing system from and keep your carport properly supported and your belongings safe.


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